Monday, June 12, 2006

Happy 612

I don't know exactly when 612 became a celebrated number in my family, but it goes back a long time. I graduated from the Ohio State University on 612 many, many years ago. The legend lived on when Katherine wrote it on the soles of her tennis shoes. There were other ways we paid homage to this number, but it is too early in the morning to recall them. Some of us still have email addresses including this number. I think we all say "Um - 612" when we see it appear on a digital clock.


Anonymous said...

Humph... you were 3 minutes late in posting this....

Marie said...

I totally forgot!! BTW, I was on team 612 in sixth that is my contribution to the craziness...I think K was too right?

Elizabeth said...

I always think of Katherine when I see it's 6:12 pm. I don't regularly see 6:12 am anymore.