Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. I enjoyed my birthday, especially since it featured an ice cream cake. Notice the lovely table runner from Cheyenne.
2. We spent our anniversary at the Rain Forest.
3. I went to the Jefferson Fair this year. It really had not changed much from what I remember as a child.
4. I had a fantastic milkshake at the Dairy Barn.
5. Ron and I attempted to locate the Colebrook Cemetery, where some of our ancestors are buried. No luck, despite the fact that Colebrook is quite small.
6. We also checked out a garage sale at the brick house we lived in for six months when our family first moved to Jefferson. The owner was quite charming and invited us in to see the kitchen. We discovered we had the same first grade teacher. I guess Miss Knapp taught most everyone in her probably fifty years of teaching.
7. My garage sale is getting closer. Today I cleaned the garage.
8. Yesterday my Jefferson classmates met at the Hartville Flea Market, followed by lunch at the Hartville Kitchen.
9. Pictured here with me is my dear friend, Brenda.
10.I ran a couple miles this morning. It was my annual birthday run a couple days late.

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